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Registration Info

  • By entering you agree that all judges' decisions are final. 

  • Entries must be entered and COMPLETED on our Online Registration Portal no later than December 23rd, 2024 for all Regionals any late submissions will incur a 10% LATE FEE. Payment Deadline for ALL CANADIAN Regionals is December 23rd, 2023 NO EXCEPTIONS. Payment Deadlines for all USA REGIONALS IS 60 Days Prior to the Event, NO EXCEPTIONS. We prepare our tentative schedules for ALL REGIONALS in January for ALL REGIONALS IN 2025 and therefore all information must be submitted to us prior. We cannot release Tentative Schedules until payment is received in FULL.  There is always a limited amount of performance time available at each event. All entries must be from a studio and are limited to the amount of performance time available. 

  • Entries are not considered received in the office without full studio payment and all dancers registered online with BIRTHDATES INCLUDED. All entries received after the deadline MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER (space permitting). Absolutely no cash refunds after deadline date. Deposits and Entry fees are non-refundable, NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • Dates and Faculty are subject to change. The entire L2D Faculty is scheduled to teach in every city. However, since they are often choreographing, performing and/or touring on Professional Jobs, their schedules sometimes pull them away from our previously arranged tour dates at the very last minute. On the rare occasion a faculty member is called away, L2D will replace him/her with an equally qualified professional. faculty and Schedule is subject to change without notice.

  • Faculty and Schedule is subject to change without notice.

  • Contestants and Studio Directors/Teachers/Parents & Guardians give their permission to the directors of Luv 2 Dance Competition to use their photographs and/or videos in connection with advertising, TV, web site and news coverage of our competitions.

  • Glow Dance Competition, nor its directors and staff, nor the hosting facility is responsible for personal injury or property loss to contestants or spectators.

  • All L2D Dollars awarded, Free Routine Scholarships and Convention Scholarships MUST be redeemed the consecutive season. These cannot be saved for future seasons. If you are awarded a free entry for a SOLO or CONVENTION PASS, the named recipient must use it. These are NON-TRANSFERABLE 

  • Scholarships awarded are a BONUS. We are fortunate to have many Scholarship Providers every season. We do not guarantee every Overall Soloist will receive a scholarship, but we do our best to award as many as possible depending on the number we are given to distribute each season.  We cannot guarantee they will be local to your hometown. Please note that receiving a Scholarship at any L2D Regional or National is an EXTRA BONUS for our participating dancers because we want to encourage growth.

  • In order to redeem a free Solo or Convention Scholarship, you must be entered with the studio that you received that award. All Solo/Convention Scholarship information is on the Certificate/Elite Team Invitation, please reach out to the respective providers for more information on how to redeem.

  • Any routine that won 1st Place Top Score at a Regional/National Competition with us in a previous season cannot enter that same routine in the same age class with the same performers at a current Regional or Current Finals/Nationals Competition.

  • All L2D Dance Dollars awarded, Free Routine Scholarships and Convention Scholarships MUST be redeemed the consecutive season. These cannot be saved for future seasons.

  • Incomplete routines will be "adjudicated only". These routines will not be eligible for Overall Awards.



  • Should a birth certificate be required to verify age it must be present at Competition (or copy).

  • Deposits are required to secure your spot and are non-refundable. They will be used towards your final balance due.

  • A $65 service fee will automatically be assessed for any and all checks returned to Luv 2 Dance from the bank.

  • A 10% late fee will be assessed for entries and/or monies received after the deadline.

  • The same contestant(s) cannot compete more than once in the same category and age range in Solos or Duet/Trios to prevent performers from competing against themselves.

  • Contestants must check in with our Stage Manager/M.C. and backstage staff and perform in scheduled order unless our Stage Manager grants special permission. Failure to comply with any of these directives may result in the routine being "adjudicated only".

  • Wireless or hand-held microphones are NOT supplied by Glow Dance Competition and therefore must be supplied by the performer. You may connect it to our sound system. You will need to notify us as soon as you get your FINAL schedule should you be doing so.

  • No form of liquid, gel, aerosol, glitter may be used that can adversely affect the dancing surface.

  • Dangerous props such as fire, swords and knives are prohibited.

  • Backdrops, hanging pieces or special lights are also prohibited.

  • Choreography that allows any dancer to be physically placed more than 6 feet off the ground of any scenic piece or prop is not allowed without prior Glow Dance Competition office approval.

  • Live animals, fire, pyrotechnic devices or sharp objects are NOT to be used.

  • Smoking inside is strictly prohibited.

  • If stage is littered after your performance, you will be responsible for an immediate and expeditious removal of any debris. Failure to follow these safety measures may result in the routine being "adjudicated only".

  • NO video recording is allowed. No photography is allowed when a specifically licensed photographer is present at the event, except at award ceremonies. Flash photography is never allowed. The use of video recording or unauthorized photography may lead to an entry being "adjudicated only". We urge all studio owners, teachers, and especially parents to keep our performers photographically safe by reporting suspected photographic violations.

  • Good sportsmanship is expected from all contestants and teachers. Failure to display such conduct may result in the routine being "adjudicated only".

  • Any choreography, music, or costume considered inappropriate for family viewing by our judges will become "adjudicated only" and or disqualified depending on the severity of the inappropriateness. Performances with thematic elements and "highly charged" issues reflecting a lack of discretion and awareness of the age and nature of a competition audience will be deemed inappropriate by our judges and will become "adjudicated only" or disqualified depending on the severity of the content demonstrated in the routine

  • Glow Dance Competition generally will run ahead of schedule and performers must be ready to compete at least 30 min prior to scheduled performance time.

  • LATE PAYMENTS will be accepted ONLY IF SPACE PERMITS (and it is at the Discretion of Glow Dance Competition); However, the Late Payment Fee will be applied and strictly enforced.

  • YOUR ENTRIES WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE SCHEDULE IF FULL PAYMENT IS NOT RECEIVED BY DECEMBER 23rd, 2024. You will receive 1 REMINDER once your payment is late. After December 31st, your entries will be removed without notification. Your deposits will be forfeited should your payment not be received in full. There will be NO EXTENSIONS passed this time. 

  • FINAL Schedules for ALL VENUES will be sent a minimum of 30 days prior to your scheduled event, but we generally have them all sent on or before FEBURARY 14th.

  • Glow Dance Competition reserves the right to add or subtract days or move competition due to unforeseen circumstances.

  • Competitors may not compete against themselves in the SOLO CATEGORY. Groups/Duets/Trios have some exceptions depending on the circumstance and how many dancers are competing in each of the groups. This will be examined by the Director and a decision will be made accordingly.  If a competitor has more than one solo in the same category, they must move up an age category or change to a different discipline with one of their routines.

  • Glow Dance Competition reserves the right to cancel if enough entries are not received to run the competition (All registered studios will receive a full refund in this circumstance).

  • All prizes won for free workshops/entry fees MUST be used the consecutive season or it will be deemed expired.

  • Refunds/credits will not be made after the tentative schedule has been completed and emailed.

  • Any participant found vandalizing or causing a disruption at the competition is subject to disqualification and/or liable for payment of repairs.

  • Competitors and their teachers are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and general support to ALL participants.


  • Please ensure MUSIC AND COSTUMING are age appropriate. Adjudicators find it very distracting when costuming and music are inappropriate. Please keep in mind that Luv 2 Dance Competition is a family event! A comment will be made to the studio director if a Judge finds costuming unsuitable.

  • Make sure ALL music is cued, NO EXCEPTIONS

  • If a dancer is missing/absent from a routine we will let adjudicators know, but for no circumstance shall that routine dance at a later time. This is very important in keeping the competition ON TIME.

  • All studio entries must be submitted together or a processing fee of $10 per entry will be assessed.

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  • Entries must be received in the Luv 2 Dance Competition office by Mail or Online Registration no later than December 23rd, 2024.  We send out tentative schedules for ALL REGIONALS early and therefore all information must be submitted to us prior. No phone, fax or e-mail entries will be accepted. There is always a limited amount of performance time available at each event. All entries must be from a studio and are limited to the amount of performance time available. 

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  • Entries are not considered received in the office without full studio payment and all dancers registered online with BIRTHDATES INCLUDED. All entries received after the deadline MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER (space permitting). Absolutely no cash refunds after deadline date. Entry fees are non-refundable, NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • Should a birth certificate be required to verify age it must be present at Competition (or copy).

  • Deposits are required to secure your spot and are non-refundable. They will be used towards your final balance due.

  • A $65 service fee will automatically be assessed for any and all checks returned to Luv 2 Dance from the bank.

  • A 10% late fee will be assessed for entries and/or monies received after the deadline.

  • All studio entries must be submitted together or a processing fee of $10 per entry will be assessed.

  • If a dancer is ill or is injured and we are notified prior to the start of the Competition attending accompanied with a DOCTORS NOTE (that will be verified), a STUDIO CREDIT will be issued for the amount paid to the STUDIO to be redeemed the following season. Studio Credits can only be redeemed in consecutive seasons for which the Credit was received. 

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© 2022 by Luv 2 Dance Competition. 

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